Narrative Dysphoria Definition

Narrative Dysphoria: The cognitive dissonance experienced by a Narrativist when observable reality directly contradicts the predictions of their inner narrative. All of reality is interpreted through the storylike filter of the inner narrative- as a result this frequently leads to the Narrativist to have bizarre expectations for future events to play out in a very specific (and highly improbable way).The story-like structure of the inner narrative is "turning a page" if you will, and the Narrativist expects events to line up according to the expectations generated by the storylike delusion of the inner narrative that they are embracing. When real world events directly contradict the expectations generated by the inner narrative, the Narrativist experiences cognitive dissonance as a result. The Narrativist is psychologically compelled to resolve this conflict between observable reality and their inner narrative, and in so doing they are forced to choose between their delusions (which are tied into their sense of identity) or reality. Very rarely does reality win this confrontation. An individual Narrativist will most frequently resolve this stress by selecting someone close to them and labeling them as either incompetent/defective or in some way colluding with the enemy, and they will expel that person from their lives. When a Narrativist group experiences narrative dysphoria the group will collectively resolve the inner stress by selecting a member (or small group of members) of the group as a designated scapegoat and then expelling that member(s). The remaining members then become more radicalized as a result. (Compaction Cycle, described elsewhere).

Continue on to "Compaction Cycle".

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